Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Favorite Places - Steveston Dykes

I’m blessed to live near a place that gives me refreshing and renewal in my body, soul and spirit. A long walk along the Dyke and Steveston Boardwalk really gets my heart pumping and my soul singing. The beauty of these walks is that I can do it throughout the different seasons. Even when it is snow covered and the temperature below zero; I will not be denied this essential part of my life. Through the seasons, there’s always a new surprise that awaits you. You might get to experience the thrill of walking among 20,000 snow geese, or you might just get to walk among tall ships that have berthed on the docks. The ever-changing seasons brings with it, a new coat of floral colors. Multi-colored crocuses in early spring…pink-purple grass flowers in early summer…purple lupines that cover the entire field in Gary Park. The same park that served as a frozen rink during cold winters becomes a field full of kite enthusiast during the windy days of summer.


Everyone needs some down time – regardless of your work or home situation
There’s something about getting back to nature that connects us to God.

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