Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The “No” in Notice

Just a short walk along the seawall, I came cross all these notices and signboards…no rollerblading…no littering!

“No” appears to be such a negative word; it sounds too harsh, it seems too restrictive, it ought to be banished from our everyday vocabulary.

For some, “no” was concocted by some ogre or scrooge, who wanted to put a damper on life. For others, like yours truly, who grew up in Singapore, “no” is the official graffiti in this “fine” city. Plastered on every wall, bus stop and washroom, are warning signs; “No littering – fine $500”. “No chewing gum –fine $750”. “No drugs – Death penalty”. On the other hand, it is one of the few countries in the world that one could walk alone after midnight and feel safe.

Applying the “no” in your life opens up “yes” opportunities.

No to the shiny new car in the showroom
No to the umpteenth pair of shoes
No to the larger flat screen TV
No to the latest I-phone & I-pod
No to another meal in the restaurant
Yes to a less financial-stressed life
Yes to a simpler way of life
Yes to more time with the family
Yes to a comfortable retirement

“So be careful how you live, not as fools but as those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evils days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.” Ephesians 5:15-18 (NLT)

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