As I was driving into work I was just thinking how slow my reflexes were that morning, and then a little voice inside of me calmly screamed “stop!” I stomped on my brakes and slowed down to a crawl. Before I could say “why,” the car in front of me rear-ended another vehicle. That split second decision saved me a trip to the insurance company and whole lot of cash.
• Sometimes when we fail to stop and consider the path we are taking – we end up wasting time and resources.
• Sometimes when we fail to stop and check the speed we're taking in life – we could be headed for a burn out.
• Sometimes when we fail to stop – we could be in no shape to carry on what we’re supposed to be doing.
We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. We heap up wealth, not knowing who will spend it. Psalm 39:6
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